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Sunday, February 26, 2012


Some days can be one problem after another; on others, everything seems to be going out way. While there are steps we can take to troubleshoot a bad day while it’s happening (see “Having a Bad Day? Here’s Why” and “How to Stop Having a Bad Day“), we can also help encourage good days. In my last article (“How to Have a Good Day: The Night Before“), I offered some steps we can take at night to help make the next day as good as it can be. Today’s article continues the topic with steps we can take in the morning.
 Set aside some time to think. It’s often inconvenient to try to make time in the morning, especially when it means getting up earlier, but doing so is powerful. When we don’t have time to think about what’s going on, we generally act on habit, so that bad habits–like being late, eating poorly, or avoiding stressful responsibilities–can often start a day off on the wrong foot. Our brains have developed to take cues from the world around us and interpret them to predict the future, so that a few bad habits first thing in the morning can set the stage for a downward spiral. By contrast, starting off with a few good choices provides encouragement, happiness, and self-confidence.
 Remind yourself of your goals. Whenever we want to move forward with a goal, it’s worthwhile to keep that goal in mind as often as possible. If you’ve ever had the experience of making a strong resolution, keeping it for a little while, then forgetting for a few days or weeks when something else came up, you probably remember coming back to it later to feel completely derailed. Reminding ourselves clearly and explicitly of a current goal first thing in the morning helps keep our focus and mental efforts on that goal.
 Remind yourself of immediate payoffs. Although major goals are by definition long-term, a good goal usually has short-term payoffs as well. Examples include things like feeling physically better when not eating junk food or finding things that are needed while organizing, but progress on any goal also can have the effect of increasing self-confidence, relieving stress, and generating a sense of accomplishment. Reminding ourselves of these immediate payoffs provides a reason to care about our goals even when the long-term results don’t feel important, as sometimes happens when we’re wrapped up or emotionally involved with other things.
 Be willing to let go. Sometimes the first step in increasing happiness is being willing to surrender things we’re upset about–to stop focusing on upsetting incidents or self-defeating thoughts. As ridiculous as it sounds, I sometimes picture things like this floating away from me as helium balloons. Corny or not, an approach like this gives me a way to separate from what’s bothering me. Consciously committing to doing this when necessary through the day–and starting with any trouble that may already be brewing in the morning–can relieve stress and aid focus.
There’s more we can do in the mornings to encourage the day to go well: I’ll take up the other techniques in my next post.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


here are some guide and tips for preparing and taking exams which might help you out for your upcoming exams !!

Knowing More & Remembering it Longer

Remembering Strategies

  1. Select
    • Select what you want to remember.
    • Ask the teacher
    • Examine your class notes
    • Read the text assignments
    • Study the handouts
  2. Remember
    • Choose your techniques that will help you remember.
    • Visualize
    • Associate
    • Apply
    • Repeat
    • Use mnemonic devices
  3. Review, Read, Recite, Rewrite
    • Use these techniques to keep what you want to remember in your memory.

Using Mnemonic Devices to Remember Information

  • Rhyme. A rhyme is a poem or verse that uses words that end with the same sound. Example: Thirty days has September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one except February which has twenty-eight.
  • Acronym. An acronym is a word that can be pronounced that is made by using the first letter of other words. Example: The names of the five Great Lakes in the U.S. form the acronym HOMES (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior).
  • Abbreviation. An abbreviation is a group of letters made from the first letter of each word to be remembered. Example: FBI is an abbreviation for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  • Acrostic. An acrostic sentence or phrase is formed by words beginning with the first letter of each word to be remembered. Example: The phrase very active cat might be used to recall the three typed of blood vessels in the human body: veins, arteries, capillaries.
  • Pegwords. A pegword is a word that helps you remember something by forming a picture in your mind. Pegwords are used to remember lists of things. Each pegword helps you remember one thing. If you memorize 10 pegwords, then you can use them to remember 10 things. If you memorize 20 pegwords, you can remember 20 things.

Using Repetition to Remember Information

  • You have probably used repetition many times without realizing it. Anytime you have read, said, or written something a number of times to remember it, you have used repetition. A good way to remember information when using repetition is to read, say, and write what you want to remember. For example, if you need to remember a list of words and their definitions, here is how to use repetition to do this:
    • Read aloud the word and its definition. If you need to, use a dictionary to help you pronounce a word.
    • With your eyes closed, say the word and its definition.
    • Without looking at the word, write the word and its definition.
    • Repeat the steps until you can write the word and its definition from memory three times without an error.
    • Do this for each word on the list.

Four Ways to Forget

  • Disuse. Information not periodically used withers and disappears. Do you remember all of your previous telephone numbers?
  • Interference. It is easy to confuse materials that are similar and related. When confused, we are more likely to forget which is which. Learning two similar foreign languages at the same time may present some problems.
  • Repression. We have very strong systems of belief. Sometimes what we learn doesn't fit with what we believe. When in conflict, odds are our beliefs will win. Believing that we are no good at remembering names will make it all that much more difficult to learn new names.
  • Not learning it in the first place. This is probably the number one culprit in forgetting. Even if we've been exposed to something, unless we solidify the learning we are not likely to remember it.

Taking Objective Tests
If you are taking an objective test (multiple-choice, true/false, or comparable type), you will probably achieve your best results by following this procedure:
   1. Read an item through quickly, with high concentration, and answer on the basis of your first impression.
   2.Then re-read the item, asking yourself what it really means and expressing its thought in your own words.
   3.Ask yourself if your original answer still appears correct in light of your close analysis of the item, but do not change your answer because of a mere doubt.
   4.Always keep in mind that your instructor is not attempting to trick you in the questions. They are designed to measure your knowledge of a subject, not your ingenuity in solving verbal puzzles. So don't out-smart yourself looking for devious, tricky interpretations and ignoring the obvious, straightforward meaning.
Essay Tests
In taking a test where you are to write answers in your own words, observe these guidelines:

1.Read the question carefully. Then re-read it and express its meaning in your own words. Check each word in the question to be sure that your interpretation omitted nothing important. To give a satisfactory answer to a question, you have to correctly understand what the question is asking.

2.Answer the questions you know first. This way you will be sure not to use all your time puzzling over questions you do not know the answers to, and then run short of time for writing answers you know well.

3.Outline your answer on a piece of scratch paper before starting to write it in full. In this way you can organize your thoughts and check your answer against the question for possible omissions. Writing from your outline, you can present what you know more clearly and completely than you could if you just started writing down your thoughts as they came to you.

4.Write with a good pen, or a well-sharpened No. 2 pencil, so that your writing can be easily read. Also, watch your penmanship, spelling, and punctuation.

5.Read over your answers after you have finished your paper, checking for thought and completeness, as well as for spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. All these factors are related to your mastery of course material. What is involved in answering a question "completely" is determined by the question's wording and the preferences of individual professors. From the number of questions on the test and the amount of time you are allotted, you can form a rough approximation of how fully you should answer the questions.

6.Count your questions and answers before you hand your paper in to be sure you did not overlook anything. Be sure your pages are in correct order so the instructor will not have to shuffle through them trying to sort them out.
Preparing for Finals

At least a week before exams, shift into overdrive by beginning an extensive review. Set up a detailed time schedule for the remainder of the semester

Attend all classes as instructors often use the last few classes prior to an exam to summarize, review, and clarify.
•Prepare summary sheets, one set for text and one for lecture.

Pick out the most important facts.

Organize information into categories in a manner different from the way you first leaned it. For example, History is chronological, so try organizing your notes under headings that emphasize time instead of themes.
Review summary sheets and include key words for important facts.
Recite information orally - ACTIVE learning is essential! How you store information determines how well you retrieve it, so use all your senses when reviewing.
If you must cram, resist trying to memorize too much material. Select only a handful of facts even at the risk of leaving out something important.
During Exams
Arrive early and remember to BREATHE!

Read and listen to directions.

Skim the exam and plan your time

Answer the easy questions first to build confidence and create momentum. You may work the test from back to front, answering the last question first.

A question you can't answer can be skipped, often another question will trigger your memory or provide that elusive answer.

Answer all questions.

Save a few minutes at the end to go back over questions you skipped, to
review your answers and look for careless mistakes.

Friday, February 24, 2012


here are few tips that might helpful to you while making love
Tips for the best love making ever

If you’re floundering in the bedroom and your girlfriend is moaning for all the wrong reasons, these tips will point you in the right direction.

Gentlemen! for better love making, If you want to get your girl moaning for real instead of faking it, you’re going to have to put a bit of work in. Firstly, a male can achieve orgasm within 2 – 3 minutes when stimulated by another partner. Where as a female can take up to 15 minutes to climax.
If you know for a fact that you can’t keep going for that long by pure intercourse alone (and lets face it, if you’re doing that, you’re having sex, not making love) then you are going to have to stimulate her body with foreplay instead.
Now before you panic and freak out, all of this can be done with your tongue and hands. I guarantee you will become a better lover in the bedroom AND you really will give her orgasm after orgasm.
The top 5 female erogenous zones
The neck
Apart from being sexy and attractive, the female neck is perhaps one of the most sensitive areas of her body. Softly kissing this area from her shoulder to below her ear (while at the same time massaging it with your tongue will send tingles and pulses up and down her spine. Keep at it and she will be breathing heavily in a very short period of time.

The ear lobes
Sucking ear lobes isn’t for everyone. Some girls get the tickles when you do it but others simply adore it. While you’re there you can whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Close facial contact is what she likes so this is a good way to do it if you’re fed up with kissing on the lips. Also massaging her ear lobes with your fingers from time to time can be very soothing.

The nipples
On a par with the neck for sensitivity, the female nipples become hard and sit up right when stimulated with your tongue. Don’t forget to give both breasts even attention and also kiss down in between her breasts as you work your way between both of them. If she hasn’t grabbed your head by this stage and held it into her bosom, something’s badly wrong.

The belly button
Working your way down her body, the belly button is another area you should stimulate before full intercourse. Kissing this area with your lips and tongue will cause vibrations that will vibrate through her reproductive area and begin to stimulate her G spot.
The G Spot
Ah the G spot. This holy grail legend of the female anatomy can be tricky to find. So if the chance arises, ask her if she has already found her G spot and let her point you in the right direction.
As a general guide, most female G spots can be found on the roof of the vagina (that’s the side closest to her stomach.). It’s about the size and shape of a 2 pence coin and can be found about 4 inches in.
Extreme caution should be taken when stimulating this area with your tongue or fingers as a female can quite literally lose control of her limbs. Don’t be surprised if you get kneed in the face or get elbowed as she moans in ecstasy. It should also be noted that not all females have a G spot, so don’t be alarmed if you both can’t find it. As you have seen there are plenty of other areas of the female body that can be stimulated in the art of love making in order to help her climax.
Doing a combination of all these things will leave her begging for more and you will be a better lover for it. Experimentation is the key to find out what works and what doesn’t as everyone is not the same.
As you can see, a true female orgasm involves the stimulation of her whole body and not just simple penetration. Taking the time to show care and attention to her needs will put you so far above any other lovers, she may have had that you may find it tricky escaping from the bed.
I hope this article helps your love life get back on track and that you become better and more confident at making love and not just having sex. Above all else, if you want to become a better lover, ask your partner what they like and what they want you to do to them. Not only will you help them get their rocks off quicker, you’ll also show that you are thinking about their needs and they in turn will think about yours. This will create a much better experience than if both parties are concentrating on what each can get out of the experience in a very selfish way.


The best way to get a fit body

Good physical fitness means maintaining a healthy body that works the way it should, as well as maintaining a healthy state of mind. When people reach a good level of fitness, their body and mind function better. If you are ready to take steps towards getting into shape, this article has advice to help you improve your fitness and enhance your life.
Improve your volleyball game by working on your contact skills. Surprising though it might be, improving your football skills can help. If you want to win at football, you have to have great hand-eye coordination, along with a number of other skills. These skills can be convenient if you are playing volleyball, as well as Football.
Perhaps the most crucial aspect of your fitness schedule is the beginning of your day. Enjoying a healthy breakfast not only makes you feel better, but it is vital for fitness success. Breakfast helps get your day going, along with jump starting your metabolism after a night’s sleep.
You should always have a balanced diet in order to have fuel for working out. Whether you have achieved your preferred weight or if you are trying to shed some weight, a balanced and healthy diet is important in having a happy and healthy lifestyle. Even if you’re content with your appearance, it’s still crucial that you eat a balanced diet.
You should change up the exercises you do on a daily basis. There are many reasons to do this. First, you may get bored of doing the same routines repeatedly. Doing the same workouts over a longer period of time usually produces less noticeable results as well. Your body become accustomed to working at a certain level, and it doesn’t work as hard as it did when you first starting working out. To prevent that from happening, try new exercises on a regular basis.Exercise outdoors to get the most out of Mother Nature while also enjoying a good workout. Activities like hiking, running on the sand, and playing sports are a great way to get some fresh air and fun as well as exercise. You will get good exercise and feel better about yourself! Just being outdoors improves your thinking and lowers stress levels.
When you are bicycling, work to keep your pace between eighty to one-hundred and ten rpm. By doing this you put less strain of your knees so you will be able to ride further and faster. If you count the times your leg on the right lifts up every ten seconds and times it by six you can set a pace. You should strive towards this rpm.
Put exercise at the top of your priority list. You know how vital it is to keep clean every day for your well-being, so look at exercise in the same way. Make a schedule for exercise, and be sure to check it off your list by the end of the day. Making exercise a priority will assure that you get your daily exercise completed.

If you want stronger quads, incorporate leg extensions into your workout routine. Leg extensions are fairly easy and almost every gym will have at least one leg extension machine. Your leg will be extended upwards while you are in a seated position.
To minimize time loss related to your workout wardrobe, invest only in neutrals, and keep all your dirty clothes in one hamper or bag. Your clothes will all match, so it will be easy to toss an outfit together if you are short on time. Keeping these clothes together in one hamper also makes them easier to find and clean.
As this article shows, you can achieve a healthy level of fitness that you can feel good about. You no longer have to be embarrassed of your out of shape body. Your goals for getting fit will be within your grasp if you make use of the advice outlined here.